Sunday, July 28, 2013

Short visit in MN

I think I already mentioned this, but Sue's sister, Sarah, agreed to watch Jed while we were in Graz.  Besides being a big help, this allowed us to spend a few days with Sue's family on the way back.  Of course, we were all jet lagged, which may have not made the best conditions for visiting with family!

We visited the pool, went to a movie, went out to dinner with Sarah in the Cities, visited with friend Kim Smith from Auburn days, and hung around the house for Wednesday through Friday.  I also tried to keep my newfound love for biking going.  I went on two bike rides.  The first one was on Sue's Mom's bike.  Let's just say that it didn't fit me well.  And that, combined with a few wrong turns turned a 20-mile bike ride into something close to 30 miles and well over 2 hours.  On a hot day.  With no water.  And a concerned phone call from Sue.  My next ride was on a bike rented at a local bike store.  I was much better prepared for a long ride and on a really nice, light road bike.  Added a few miles and was out less than 2 hours.  Much better.

The penultimate event of our time in MN was a party Saturday with friends from Sue's hometown of Morris, MN.  It was fun to have all the Gillis's (save Trevor), Beth, Nancy and Cheryl, and the Barber's, and to meet Erin's husband, Jo (pronounced "Yo").  Erin and Jo opened their house and their pool to everyone.  So gracious of them and fun for everyone.

We had to leave the party late in the afternoon so that we could drive home in two days.  We swung by PetSmart to pick up Jed (Sue had the great idea to have Jed shampooed and furminated while we were at the party; almost like free doggy babysitting).  We drove for four hours or so to Des Moines, IA.  The next day we drove home to Fayetteville, arriving by 4p or so.

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