Wednesday, March 21, 2012

For fun ...

Most of my posts are almost reporter style, detailing the latest trip here or there.  Well, this post is just for fun :-)

Saw this posted to a telephone pole out away from Graz and it just cracked me up!

Click on the picture for a larger view so that you can read the pull-off tabs!
Sue kind of burst my bubble on this saying that she's seen this before (in the US, mind you) and thought it was probably all over the Internet and Facebook.  But seeing this on a small road up to a castle from the 1600's in a German-speaking country cracked me up.  Yes, America, we can export our culture anywhere!

And for the next one, all I'll say is that I wonder what kind of grief this guy (or gal) gets about his/her car.

I mean, I get grief for having a license plate that reads "LOGISTX," which is way less geeky than this!  Right?


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